13 November 1982 until 13 November 2008
its' my birthday!!!
happy birthday to me!
happy birthday to me!
happy birthday to alija..
happy birthday to me...
i'm officially 26 years old.. getting older means getting wiser?..huh..getting more weight.. (even my weight reduce to 42kg)....getting more ldl cholestrol?..haha....... ( be thin doesnt mean that u've low bad cholestrol!!..hehe...a message from WHO..world health organisation..:P) so beware.. be healthy should be our 1st priority..
1.read more to generate ur brain!! 1 book per month..can i?...
2.improve to a healthy lifestyle ~ to reduce my cholestrol..:)
3.eat more to gain more weight... ~ to increase my BMI to normal...
4.improve my cooking skills...hehe..
That's all i can think now..will add later :) ....
again..happy birthday to me :D....
msg to alija: be a good Intelliers, good muslimah, good wife to Mohd Amin, good daughter for success dunia+ akhirah...ameeeeeeeen....................
p/s semoga pertambahan usia ini seiring dgn pertambahan iman.....
happy birthday...aliza chan
yuk...kita aerobik sama2...kuatkan tulang.. :D
ayuhhhhhh!!! smlm nak gi sakit perut.. esk semangat nak tai chi :):)
happy birthday aliza...
happy always!!
come on liza..ko harapan org muar..
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