
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Saturday, April 18, 2009

su doku..

i've been addicted to su doku lately...  The rule is very simple :  Each row and column must contain the digits 1 through 9, with each digit used only once.  .. alrd bought the book long time ago..but i like 'hangat2 tahi ayam before'.. haha.. now.. once i start do the puzzle.... i'm stucked with it!!..=D good for me huh? 
p/s :make sure finish ur work 1st before start do the puzzle :P 

Wanna  to play online =D ? visit:

official website:


a.c.H.i.k.A.n.i said...

mahan da download kat hp..rm8 je..memang addicted!!

alija_aini said...

heehe.. moh2 kite addicted kt sudoku.. tak reti nak main depan pc ..lagi suke tulis atas kertas betol :P