
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2009 --> to a healthier life

What is your real age? prepare to be shocked? :D
Jom bt test real age ramai2... 

my real age is 

huhu... my real age is 1.4 years older... --> not a good sign....

so what should i do?
change my lifestyle to  a healthier lifestyle...
the real age website even give u the suggestion how to improve ur life  in 3 steps

1. See what’s making you YOUNGER and OLDER

2. READ YOUR PLAN. Set your goals, and find out how to reach them.

3. Retake the test in 90 days to TRACK YOUR PROGRESS.

Dr. Oz's 10 Ways to Live Healthier
Dr. Oz
Make 2009 the year you put yourself back on your to-do list! To help you get started, Dr. Oz shares his 10-step Ultimate Health Checklist—a complete guide to health and wellness.

Step 1: Find a doctor and schedule a checkup

Step 2: Know the five ingredients to avoid

Step 3: The healthy foods to add to your diet

Step 4: Take a multivitamin every single day

Step 5: Know your numbers

Step 6: Find a health advocate

Step 7: Organize your medical records

Step 8: Get the medical tests you need

Step 9: Start exercising

Step 10: Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night

p/s: kesihatan itu nikmat kurniaan-NYA... kalo tak sehat sume bende kite tak leh bt kan.. so same2 kite syukuri dan menjaga kesihatan ini sebaiknye..
Love yourself... (^_^) pesanan Khidmat Masyarakat dr Kementerian Kesihatan Kulim Square...hihihihi....

1 comment:

Mohd Farhan said...

huh? biar betul..tak pe, yg pasti aku lebih muda dari ko smpi bila2..huhu..

Step 9 tu aku duk tgh buat la ni..step 1, asyik postpone memanjang..step 4, mahal sgt multivitamin nih..curi yg ummu punye dah ler..step 8 baru je buat, dan2 je kolesterol tinggi..tak pun sebenarnye(memandai je aku)..haha..step 10, selalunye aku tido 7 jam ++. huhu