What is your real age? prepare to be shocked? :D
Jom bt test real age ramai2...
my real age is
huhu... my real age is 1.4 years older... --> not a good sign....
so what should i do?
change my lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle...
the real age website even give u the suggestion how to improve ur life in 3 steps
1. See what’s making you YOUNGER and OLDER
3. Retake the test in 90 days to TRACK YOUR PROGRESS.
Dr. Oz's 10 Ways to Live Healthier
Step 1: Find a doctor and schedule a checkup
Step 2: Know the five ingredients to avoid
Step 3: The healthy foods to add to your diet
Step 4: Take a multivitamin every single day
Step 5: Know your numbers
Step 6: Find a health advocate
Step 7: Organize your medical records
Step 8: Get the medical tests you need
Step 9: Start exercising
Step 10: Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night
p/s: kesihatan itu nikmat kurniaan-NYA... kalo tak sehat sume bende kite tak leh bt kan.. so same2 kite syukuri dan menjaga kesihatan ini sebaiknye..
Love yourself... (^_^) pesanan Khidmat Masyarakat dr Kementerian Kesihatan Kulim Square...hihihihi....
1 comment:
huh? biar betul..tak pe, yg pasti aku lebih muda dari ko smpi bila2..huhu..
Step 9 tu aku duk tgh buat la ni..step 1, asyik postpone memanjang..step 4, mahal sgt multivitamin nih..curi yg ummu punye dah ler..step 8 baru je buat, dan2 je kolesterol tinggi..tak pun sebenarnye(memandai je aku)..haha..step 10, selalunye aku tido 7 jam ++. huhu
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